Monday, April 4, 2011

F.U.B.A.R. Photo Essay; A Painful Perspective

These are definitely F.U.B.A.R. situations.   Paying homage to the Pavement God...

Bicycles,war, and the acronym, F.U.B.A.R. A Historical Perspective

F.U.B.A.R. is an acronym that commonly means "f**ked up beyond all repair," "or "f**cked up beyond all recognition."  It originated in the United States armed forces, but has spread to colloquial use.  Sometimes, the last word is "recovery," or "reconciliation," or "reason."  It is similar to S.N.A.F.U. which means, "situation normal, all f**ked up."  And, of course, when things aren't going very well, F.U.B.A.R. can easily become S.U.S.F.U which means, "situation unchanged, still f**ked up." 

American Bicycle Corps at Fort Missoula in 1897
The first use of the bicycle in combat was during the Jameson Raid (1895-1896) in which cyclists carried messages. In the Second Boer War (1899-1902) cyclists were employed primarily as scouts and messengers.

       Photo showing Italian Bersaglieri during
WWI with folding bicycles strapped
 to their backs. 1917

During WWI, bicycle units were made up of scouts, infantry, ambulance carriers and messengers.  In 1937, during the invasion of China by Japan, the Japanese employed over 50,000 bicycle troops.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Copper Pedals and Copper toe clips!

This is a sneak peek at the new copper plated toe clips which will come in four gate and two gate models. We will also have copper plated matching pedals to go with them!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New top tube pads in stock now!

Here are our new leather top tube pads.
For more info about them go to

Snake Skin Pedals

This is a recent install on one of our customers fixed gear bike.

FUBAR snake skin pedals/toe clips/bar tape and toe straps.
Velocity snake skin rear wheel an snake skin FUBAR bar tape!
Check these items out at

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Fixed Gear Fast Straps Are In Now!

Made of the same heavy duty nylon and cross stitched.
Uses the same heavy duty velcro adjustment system also to fit different foot sizes.
The Neon Yellow is very limited .

Check out the rest of the new color combo's at

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snake Skin Pedals and snake skin toe clips have arrived!

These are the new snake skin pedals we have been waiting for along time with our matching snake skin toe clips.We also recieved a limited number of camo toe clips in stock now also!

Fixed gear custom top tube pads have arrived!

Our pads have a nylon loop attached towards the back-end of the bike so that you can keep your frame,wheels and top tube pad locked up!
Also attached with heavy-duty velcro down the bottom center of the pad for a good secure fit. at
Our limited edition camo series are made from a heavy water proof nylon.
We have a number of colors we offer also.